An untidy house, a doctor's appointment and a meeting had me forgetting to carry the camera about with me. I realised that as soon as I came out of the house and hailed an auto but comforted myself with the thought that I'd make do with the camera on my mobile phone. Then work took over and I forgot about the photo for the day. When I remembered, I took a half-hearted picture of my blog stats but worried that they would be visible in the photo. The Spouse brought me the camera when he came to pick me up and I tried a few random shots in the Behind Glass and Night + Scene modes (from behind the windshield). The camera's battery was low on charge and none of the shots were good, save this one - not the result I was looking for but beautiful all the same. No need to go hunting around the house or scurry down to the road in search of a better photo, as I thought I would have to do. This is a picture I took as we when the green came on at the traffic signal.
:) Good one! You can get this printed and framed and claim that it is a very expensive piece of modern art.
ReplyDeleteCool, so futuristic. Looks like a time tunnel or something. :)
ReplyDeleteI second Sig ;)...'beauty is everywhere Sra' ;)
Psychedelic! Looks mysterious!
ReplyDeleteClassic long-exposure traffic streaks. Groovy and electrified.
ReplyDeleteSig, Jaya, Siri, Musy, Susan, thanks much!
ReplyDeletea very simple thing(night+street Lights etc) but it does bring out a nice effect ....kind of Avatar-effect :)...
ReplyDeletehugs and smiles
It is nice! You know....i clicked something like this last week..when i was playing with the settings in my camera and i was screwing up every pic i took. I was obvioulsy frustrated...luckily...the darn thing came back to the normal settings. Now..i wish i had not deleted....
ReplyDeleteJaya, Avatar? I'm flattered.
ReplyDeleteRajitha, I must play around more with the settings!