Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Glacial Melting, Not Quite Global Warming


  1. What is that?! Paneer? It's on the stove as I can see.

    OHHHHH!!! You have frozen the milk and now reheating the icy milk globes? Sheesh!! :D

    It's snowing here, very light,fluffy and powdery snow. Beautiful.

  2. Yep, that's icy milk globes, love that expression! How have you been? I've been planning to mail you as I ddn't hear from you for a few days. Work, back killing me!

  3. That is frozen milk, isn't it?
    When I first moved to Mumbai and was living with my cousin, she would cook it the same way. It was so strange for me coming from a place where the milkman brought milk every morning on his motor bike.
    Do you clean the bags with a little water later on and pour it with the rest of the milk. My in laws and my cousin do that too.

  4. Jaya, the strangest thing happened, I published your comment, the post shows the right number of comments, and your comment isn't there!
    No, I don't rinse out the packets.

  5. It's appeared now, after I replied to you!!!!

  6. You wont believe this Sra - I had the exact same thought - melting glaciers as I was melting frozen cooked dal (though this one was yellow) on the stove today for make dal for lunch - this is such an eerie coincidence....

  7. Nandita, Sra, we may all be one post away from synchronizing our periods. :)

  8. Nandita, great minds think alike, and Jaya is attempting to predict the next step, LOL!

  9. When I first saw my mom doing this, I was shocked. It is something she started doing after I moved out. I grew up on fresh milk ;) The whole idea of frozen milk was so strange, especially after getting used to the milk over here which stays fresh for a week in the non-freezer side of the fridge.

  10. ROFL at Jaya's comments :D :D :D Hope no one is pregnant in that case!!!!
